Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Melanie E. from Glendale, AZ won Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Debra F. from Land O Lakes, Florida will receive Drowning. The books will go out in the mail today.

This week, I’m giving away two historical mysteries. Here’s the no spoilers summary of Bridget Walsh’s The Tumbling Girl, as supplied by the author. “London, 1876. Minnie’s best friend, Rose Watkins, is found dead at the start of the novel. The police are treating it as suicide but Rose’s mother, Ida, is convinced it’s murder. Ida and Minnie hire Albert Easterbrook to investigate Rose’s death. Before long, and despite Albert’s best efforts to dissuade her, Minnie has insinuated herself into the investigation. Together they navigate London, from its high-class clubs to its murky underbelly. But as the bodies pile up, they must rely on one another if they’re going to track down the killer and make it out alive. The Tumbling Girl has been described as ‘delightful, dark and depraved all at the same time’.”

Maybe you’d prefer 1950s New York City, and Emily J. Edwards’ Viviana Valentine Goes Up the River. 1950, New York. Viviana Valentine–Girl Friday turned partner to New York’s top investigator, Tommy Fortuna–is drawn into a sordid new case when Buster Beacon, a wealthy man of science, beckons them to a party at his mansion north of the city. There, Buster entertains blue-blooded friends as well as investors keen to make a dollar on the many advancements made in his home laboratory, but he’s been hearing strange noises in the night coming from his expansive estate, and he doesn’t know who to trust. Once Viviana and Tommy arrive, the party is snowed in. And suddenly, there is a dead body and nowhere to hide. Who killed the disguised federal agent in their midst? And how have details from the top-secret lab become public? Once chomping at the bit to be brought into this mysterious life, Viviana wonders if she’s ready for the risks that come with the territory—risks that rise treacherously high as the killer targets the next victim.
Which book would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject line should read either “Win The Tumbling Girl” or “Win Viviana Valentine.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Thursday, June 22 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.
Thank you! I can’t believe I’m actually a winner! I’ve always loves your thoughtful book critiques Lesa and I look forward to your blog in my inbox.
Wishing you all good things!
Thank you, Melanie! Yes, you are a winner! In fact, I emailed you about the book this morning. Thank you for the kind wishes. Those are certainly returned.
Also these books look so fantastic. These are my favorite types of books!