Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. Murder at the Capitol will go to Robert R. from San Antonio, TX. Jeanne K. from Tallmadge, OH won In the Shadow of Vesuvius. The books will go out in the mail tomorrow.
I’m taking a couple weeks off from the contests. Today is the last day the library where I work will be open until at least March 30. I’m dropping these couple books at the post office, but, because we’re closed hoping to not spread the coronavirus or be exposed to it, I’m not going to mail books and stand in line at the post office until I go back to work.
However, I’ll still be writing the blog. I hope you drop by on Thursdays and tell us what you’re reading. For the next couple weeks, I’ll have more time to respond. And, because the virus has affected authors and book tours and book festivals, I’ve invited authors to write some guest posts for us. I hope you’ll have some enjoyable posts soon, and find some authors and books you would like to support in this difficult time.
Don’t worry. The contests will resume once I go back to work. In the meantime, please continue to stop by the blog. There will be book reviews and guest posts, and, on Thursdays, you can talk about what you’re reading.
Hope to see you here!
Our local library sent a notice yesterday afternoon that they would be closing at 9 for a week. I hustled down and picked up a few books to tide me over. I hope they can open in a week but they said they would reevaluate at that time. Schools around the state have closed for up to a month as well. Doing our weekly grocery shopping yesterday was crazy as the lines stretched to the back of the stores, even though I think grocery stores will stay open.
Happy reading to all. This is one time I wish I had a Kindle.
The schools are closing here but so far the library is still open although they’ve canceled all programs for the rest of the month. Fortunately between TBR piles and my kindle I won’t run out of books to read even if they do close the library.
So far, our libraries in Brooklyn are open for books only, but all programs are canceled. Here in Florida it is business as usual. We were there yesterday and they were having early voting for next weekend's primary.
Just got a notice that the Brooklyn Public Library branches are closing starting tomorrow through the end of March.
Correction: it is the New York Public Library (Manhattan and Bronx, I believe) that is closing. No word on other boroughs, though I would expect the same.
They just announced that our library system is closing starting on MondY
I'm okay with books, as I told my sister, for at least 4 years, but the rest of you need to hustle in and get books before your libraries close. This is unprecedented. Libraries don't close.
Between my TBR pile and my kindle I’m good for several years. And I can always reread
My Dallas Library System announced with little warning late yesterday they will be closed for one week. We are under a local state of emergency which our governor finally declared a state wide emergency yesterday morning and that got additional restrictions slapped on. With 9 cases in Dallas County and several of those that seem to be "community spread" I understood why.
The Fort Worth Library system just to our west is closed through March 27. Plano, our old library system, remains open and allowing patrons to check out books/materials, but all events are cancelled.
I expect the Dallas system to end up being closed down through the end of the month. I have a ton of print stuff here from them, print stuff from authors, and there is always the kindle app on my iPad where literally, more than 1500, books chatter at each other as they await outreach from SKYNET and liberation from their digital caves.
When you never want to go anywhere or do anything, social distancing is a wonderful thing. Those few folks here who still want to be around me have stopped asking me to go places and do things because they know I am high risk for this crap.
Grief is hell, but, I am glad for one small thing as Sandi is not here to be placed further at risk just trying to have chemo and other treatments.
You are so right, Kevin. We never know what could have happened. I'll never say it could be worse for you than it is. I know it's hell. But, Sandi isn't dealing with this mess.