Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. David Rosenfelt’s The Twelve Dogs of Christmas will go to Jacqueline F. from Chicago, IL. Jennifer M. of Oakland, CA won Snowfall on Haven Point. The books will go out in the mail today.
This week, I’m giving away two cozy mysteries. Miranda James’ Digging Up the Dirt is the latest Southern Ladies mystery. An’gel and Dickce Ducote are just two of the women who once had feelings for Hadley Partridge. Now that he’s back in town to restore his family mansion, all the women in the Athena Garden Club are fluttering around him again. But, death and bodies seem to pile up around, Hadley, and the Ducote sisters will use all the gossip and stories of the past to find a killer.

Or, you could win Ali Brandon’s Twice Told Tail, a Black Cat Bookshop mystery. Darla Pettistone from Pettistone’s Fine Books teams up with Hamlet the cat to find a killer who might be involved with a suspiciously high price for an antique book on the store’s online store.
Which book would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read either “Win Digging Up the Dirt” or “Win Twice Told Tail.” Please include your name and mailing address. Entries from the U.S. only, please. The giveaway will end Thursday, Dec. 1 at 6 PM CT.
Hi Lesa, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Thank you for hosting these wonderful book giveaways also.
It was a wonderful Thanksgiving, Nora. I hope you enjoyed yours. You're welcome!