Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Bill T. from St. Clair Shores, MI won the copy of Long Range. Traces of Evil will go to Barbara W. from Auburn, WA. The books will go out in the mail today.

This week, the giveaway features two mysteries involving dogs. Are you a fan of the Chet and Bernie books? Chet is the best dog narrator, and you really don’t have to have read earlier books to enjoy Spencer Quinn’s Of Mutts and Men. Chet will help you catch up. Bernie’s the owner of the Little Detective Agency in Arizona, where the water supply is his big issue. When he and Chet find a scientist dead, a man just as concerned about water in the desert as Bernie, they investigate. Of course, there’s always stories for Chet to tell along the way.

Maybe you would prefer The Secrets of Bones by Kylie Logan.  This mystery follows Jazz Ramsey as she trains a cadaver dog. Assembly Day at St. Catherine’s brings professional women from all around Ohio to talk to the schoolgirls about their careers. Jazz Ramsey, whose puppy is still too young for certification, brings a friend’s cadaver dog, and hides a few bones around the unused fourth floor for Gus to find. The girls are impressed when Gus finds the first bone, but then he heads off to an area where Jazz didn’t hide any bones. But Gus is a professional, and he finds a human skeleton behind a door. The skeleton belongs to a teacher at the school who, one year, never returned from Christmas break. And, there are all kinds of suspects inside the school and out who might have wanted the woman to be dead.

Which book would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read either “Win The Secrets of Bones” or “Win Of Mutts and Men.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Thursday, July 30 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.