Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. The copies of Allen Eskens’ Nothing More Dangerous are going to Pat R. from Huron, OH and Carl S. from Ajo, AZ. The books will go out in the mail tomorrow.

This week, I’m giving away mysteries related to World War I. Victoria Thompson’s City of Scoundrels is a Counterfeit Lady Novel featuring Elizabeth Miles, con woman turned Lady. Elizabeth’s finance, Gideon Bates, is waiting for his draft notice to fight in the Great War. While he waits, Gideon prepares wills for soldiers before they ship out. Corporal Tom Preston has a large estate, and he needs to make a new will because he secretly married Rose, a woman his family won’t approve of. He wants to make sure she and their unborn child are provided for if he doesn’t return. When he’s reported killed, Elizabeth and Gideon learn when Tom’s wife resealed her identity to his family, the new will went missing. She’s been threatened, and Elizabeth and Gideon must figure out a way to secure Tom’s fortune for his wife and child, while they keep her safe.

Jessica Ellicott’s Murder Cuts the Mustard takes place in England in the lean years after the Great War. Brash American adventuress Beryl Helliwell and prim and proper Brit Edwina Davenport have formed a private inquiry agency to make ends meet. The prime suspect in a murder is right there in Edwina’s potting shed. Her elderly gardener Simpkins has been secretly sleeping there after a fight with his disreputable brother-in-law and housemate, Hector Lomax. When Hector is found murdered, Constable Gibbs comes looking for Simpkins, who was seen arguing with the victim. But Edwina really thinks the lazy Simpkins would never make the effort to kill someone. A few complications and a second murder make this a fascinating case for Beryl and Edwina.
Which mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read “Win City of Scoundrels” or “Win The Mustard.” Please include your name and mailing address. Just a reminder that you need to include your mailing address or you can’t win. The contest will end Thursday, Jan. 30 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.