Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. The signed copies of Dorothea Benton Frank’s By Invitation Only will go to Caryn S.C. of St. Louis, MO, and Virginia D. from Tempe, AZ. The books will go out in the mail tomorrow.
Everyone could probably use a little humor right now. I’m giving away three books. The sleuths and supporting casts in these books have been compared to the crazies in Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum books.
Down the Aisle with Murder is an Otter Lake mystery by Auralee Wallace. Here’s the summary. “Some wedding stories are so bizarre that you can’t even make them up. Take Erica Bloom’s latest case of an Otter Lake bride whose BFF is MIA at the time she’s supposed to perform her duties as maid of honor. ..only to be found DOA. Erica and her security team—minus her beloved Grady, who’s on vacation, trying to stay out of town business and has a no-nonsense sheriff covering for him—have followed every possible lead to find out what really happened to the young woman. Is her death the result of a bachelorette party gone wildly wrong? Or did someone with cold feet snap—and turn into a cold-blooded killer? These are the questions that must be answered for the nuptials, which at the eleventh hour receive a dramatic makeover, to go off without a hitch…before ’til death do us part.”

I’m also giving away two of Carolyn Haines’ Sarah Booth Delaney mysteries. The first is a paperback, Sticks and Bones. “Private investigator Sarah Booth Delaney and her friends are celebrating New Year’s Eve at the party of the year, a smashing Winter Garden party at the Prince Albert Hotel. It’s a dazzling success…until Frangelica “Sister” McFee walks through the door. Sister’s latest book is a memoir about the death of her mother and brother many years ago. Now a film about the book is in the works, and a film crew has descended upon Zinnia, Mississippi, to tell the complete tale. When the film crew realizes there may be more to the story behind the scenes—and between the covers of Sister’s book—they hire Sarah Booth to find out what really happened all those years ago. But soon Sarah Booth realizes that someone is desperate to keep a long-buried secret…and will do whatever it takes to make sure no skeletons come out of the closet.”
Or, you could win Haines’ latest book in hardcover, Charmed Bones. “Zinnia, Mississippi is rife with

quirky characters, but the arrival of three sister witches—and their intention to open a Wiccan boarding school—sets the small town on its ear. And bodies begin to accumulate as a result. Faith, Hope, and Charity Harrington are sexy and smart. They’re setting up their boarding school in an old dairy—a piece of property with tremendous development potential. And they’re standing in the way of “progress,” according to some in the town.When young Corey Fontana goes missing, Delaney Detective Agency is hired to find the youth—who’s well known as a local hooligan. His mother, Kitten Fontana, who is married to the kind of land development, believes the witches have abducted her son and makes no bones about it. She’s willing to pay hard cash to find her son, especially if she can implicate the witches in his disappearance.When Sarah Booth Delaney and her partner, Tinkie Richmond, find Corey, unharmed, it is only the beginning of a series of events that include midnight dances under a full moon, love potions, and murder. Are the sister witches criminals… or victims? Do they truly have magical powers, as they claim? Sarah Booth and Tinkie must find the answer before more people are harmed.”
Which book would you like to win this week? You can enter to win all of them, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject line should read either “Win Down the Aisle with Murder”, “Win Sticks and Bones” or “Win Charmed Bones.” Please include your name and mailing address. Entries from the U.S. only, please. The giveaway will end Thursday, June 28 at 5 PM CT.
Another Bonus giveaway!
Yes! Good luck, Glen.
Thanks but Charmed Bones is on my library list.
Okay, Gram.