Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. The Usual Santas will go to Rob R. of San Antonio, TX. Martha C. of Scottsdale, AZ will receive How the Finch Stole Christmas. The books are going out in the mail today.

But, wait! I have more Christmas mysteries to give away. Mrs. Jeffries, the quick-witted housemaid of a bumbling British inspector, returns for the holidays in Emily Brightwell’s latest Victorian mystery, Mrs. Jeffries and the Three Wise Women. Cantankerous Christopher Gilhaney manages to insult every guest at a Bonfire Night dinner party. When he’s shot dead under the cover of nighttime fireworks, it seems to be a robbery gone wrong, and everyone begins to deck the halls for the holiday season. Six weeks later, the case isn’t solved yet, and a motley crew of servants-turned-detectives set out to solve the mystery and save Christmas.

The cover of The Twelve Dogs of Christmas by David Rosenfelt is still one of the cutest book covers I’ve ever seen. Defense Lawyer Andy Carpenter has a friend, Martha “Pups” Boyer, who takes in stray puppies and raises them until they’re old enough to adopt. With Christmas just around the corner, one of Pups’ neighbors turns her into the city for having more pets than she should. Andy’s eager to defend her. And, then that neighbor ends up dead after Pups threatened him, and even found the body. Now, just before the holidays, Andy has a murder case on his hands.
Which mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at To make it easy, your subject heading should read either “Win Brightwell” or “Win Rosenfelt.” Please include your name and mailing address. Entries from the U.S. only, please. The contest will end Thursday, Nov. 23 at 5 PM CT so someone can give thanks that they won.