Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. I’m sending Murder of a Good Man to Charlotte W. of Covington, GA. Kathleen C. from Stockton, CA will receive Survival of the Fritters. Unless I’m floating away here (lots of rain), the books will go out today.

This week, I’m giving away ARCs of two books that came out in January. The first is The Long Arm of the Law, edited by Martin Edwards. It’s a collection of classic British police stories. And, if you enjoy the stories behind the stories, the history and biographies of the authors, Edwards is an expert. He writes fascinating introductions to the stories.

If you would prefer a police procedural, I’m offering a copy of Terry Shames’ latest mystery featuring Police Chief Samuel Craddock. A Reckoning in the Back Country takes Craddock into a difficult case, first to look for a missing physician, and then to find someone who might have wanted the man dead. Craddock’s search isn’t easy with a victim who isn’t from Jarrett Creek.
Which book would you like to win, the collection or the novel? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Because the titles are so long, I’ll make it easy. Your subject line should read either “Win the Collection” or “Win the Novel.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Thursday, March 1 at 5 PM CT.
I've read Terry's new book and loved it, of course. I'm a big fan of Samuel Craddock. I'm also a fan of Martin Edwards, and I have this book on my buy list, so I can't wait to read it, too.
A couple people are going to be lucky winners, Kathy!