Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Brian B. from Brockton, MA won City of Ink. Roman Count Down went to Charlotte W. from Covington, GA. The books went out in the mail on Wednesday.

This week, I’m giving away two thrillers. I want to provide a little background about the first one, Adrian McKinty’s The Chain. This is a signed hardcover of the bestseller. I bought it just to give away here on the blog. The book is now a New York Times Bestseller, and it was one of the finalists for the Tonight Show‘s summer reading book. Rachel Klein drops her daughter, Kylie, at the bus stop, then later receives a call from a woman who says she kidnapped Kylie. In order for Rachel to get her daughter back, she must kidnap another child. The woman’s own son was kidnapped, and if Rachel doesn’t do as she’s told, both children will die. Rachel is now part of The Chain, a scheme that turns ordinary people into criminals. The masterminds behind The Chain know parents will do anything for their children. But, they don’t know Rachel.

Jeffery Deaver introduces a new series with The Never Game. A young woman has gone missing in Silicon Valley, and her father hires Colter Shaw to find her. The son of a survivalist family, Shaw is an expert tracker. Now he makes a living as a “reward seeker”, traveling the country to help police solve crimes and private citizens locate missing persons. But what seems a simple investigation thrusts him into the dark heart of America’s tech hub and the billion-dollar video gaming industry.

Which book would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read either “Win The Chain” or “Win The Never Game.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Aug. 8 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.