First, congratulations to the winners of this week’s contest. I’m announcing them now because the next giveaway won’t kick off until Friday, Sept. 11. Alicia K. of Stacyville, IA and Margie B. from El Dorado Hills, CA won the copies of The Finders. What Rose Forgot went to Linda G. from Durham, NC.

How are you doing this week? Are you doing okay? I heard yesterday of a staff member’s relative who ended up in the hospital – stress. I know this is tough on all of us. And, even when we seem okay to others, we might be going through a rough time. Take care of yourself. 

I’m not reading much of anything at the present time. I saturated myself with mysteries, working on deadline. And, I have more I need to read to moderate a panel. That means, nothing seems to work right now. I hate it when I can’t settle into a book. I’ll try again tonight.

In the meantime, what are you reading? I hope you’ve found something to enjoy.

Take care of yourself!