Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Jackie B. from Waxhaw, NC won A Reckoning in the Back Country. The Long Arm of the Law is going to John B. from Grass Valley, CA. The books are going out in the mail today.
This week, I have a couple cozy mysteries featuring food to give away. Head for Mystic Bay in Curses, Boiled Again by Shari Randall. Ballet dancer Allie Larkin had a bad fall and broke her ankle. Now, she’s back home to help her Aunt Gully get her Lazy Mermaid Lobster Shack off the ground. Gully’s hoping to win the local food festival’s Best Lobster Roll contest. But, one of the contest judges dies after eating a roll from one of Gully’s biggest rivals. Why is Gully the prime suspect?
Or, you can head to Winter Garden, Virginia and Amy Flowers’ Down South Cafe in Honey-Baked Homicide by Gayle Leeson. Amy’s happy to help a struggling beekeeper by selling his honey. But, their partnership is cut short when she discovers Stuart’s body outside the cafe. And, Amy discovers there’s a large list of suspects who might have wanted the beekeeper dead.
Which cozy mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read either “Win Curses, Boiled Again” or “Win Honey-Baked Homicide.” Please include your name and mailing address. The contest will end Thursday, March 8 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.