Congratulations to the winners of the first giveaway of 2019. Both books are heading to Georgia. Charlotte W. of Covington won Manuscript for Murder, and Trish R. from Decatur will receive City of Secrets. The books are going out in the mail today.

No, I’m not sending out leftover food on my blog. I have mysteries, though, that are set at Christmastime. If the publishers can release them in October, I can send them out in January. Just check out the cover of David Rosenfelt’s Deck the Hounds. No good deed goes unpunished. Lawyer Andy Carpenter stops to give some money to a homeless man and his dog, then later learns the man and his dog were attacked. The dog defended his owner, Don Carrigan. The attacker fled, but the dog is quarantined. It’s the Christmas season, though, and Andy’s wife, Laurie, offers them refuge above their garage. But, a news story causes more trouble when it’s revealed Don is wanted for murder.

Or, you could win Carolyn Haines’ latest Sarah Booth Delaney mystery, A Gift of Bones. Sarah Booth is dreaming of a merry Christmas and a little smooching, but journalist Cece Dee Falcon needs her help immediately. She received a box, containing a lock of hair, a photo of a pretty pregnant woman, and a note demanding ransom. Cece’s family had a falling-out with that young woman, her cousin, Eve. Now, with the kidnapper demanding payment, Sarah Booth and her friends set out to save a woman’s life at Christmastime.
Which mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject line should read either “Win Deck the Hounds” or “Win A Gift of Bones.” Please include your name and mailing address. Entries from the U.S. only, please. The giveaway will end Thursday, Jan. 17 at 5 PM CT.