I have several topics to cover today, so it’s a hodgepodge.

First, here are the winners of the last contest on the blog, also the last contest until January. Mary F. from Towson, MD won the copy of Silent Night, Deadly Night. Judith C. from White Bluff, TN won Finding Christmas. The books are going out in the mail today.

I’m not sure when the books will be available, but I ordered two copies of Allen Eskens’ Nothing More Dangerous to give away in a contest in the new year. They’re backordered from The Poisoned Pen, so I’ll run the contest whenever they arrive. I’m guessing the publisher didn’t know I would tell everyone I knew how much I love the book, and they just didn’t print enough. (grin – not really)

I could have posted one of Sandie Herron’s Have You Heard? posts here today, but I didn’t think it was fair to include it at the end of a hodgepodge post. So, instead, I’m going to provide you with a link. This is the Best Crime Fiction of 2019 from Library Journal. The three of us who put this together worked hard on the list, and I think it’s a good one. Unfortunately, due to deadlines, books from the last couple months of the year weren’t included. But, I know one book that will be on my personal favorites that was too late for this one. Maybe the list will provide you with some ideas for gifts for your crime fiction loving friend or family member. Enjoy!
