Reviews + Articles
The Traitor Beside Her by Mary Anna Evans
Mary Anna Evans' first Faye Longchamp mystery, Artifacts, wasn't even out yet when I first met her. Twenty years later, though, it's interesting to see where she's gone. She introduces a new character, Justine Byrne, in The Traitor Beside Me. And, I can agree with...
All the Sinners Bleed by S.A. Cosby
No one writes with such power, while managing to convey the brutality of life, as S.A. Cosby does. His latest book, All the Sinners Bleed, is beautifully written, gritty, with a hero who carries the weight of his job and his community on his shoulders. Sheriff...
The Last Drop of Hemlock by Katharine Schellman
Before I dive into the review of Katharine Schellman's The Last Drop of Hemlock, I just want to mention her cover artist. The covers for the two books in the Nightingale series are just stunning, and this one is no exception. Vivian Kelly and her sister, Florence,...
A Disappearance in Fiji by Nilima Rao
If you're looking for an exotic debut mystery that explores the evils of colonialism, you can't go wrong with Nilima Rao's A Disappearance in Fiji. Rao's Author's Note explains her background as a Fijian Indian Australian. Even with her background, she explores...
Murder Off the Books by Tamara Berry
Readers who enjoyed the humor in Tamara Berry's first two By the Book mysteries will not be disappointed in the latest. Murder Off the Books has the same quirky cast and humor. Thriller writer Tess Harrow fictionalized murders in Winthrop, Washington in her last...
Winners and a Cozy Mystery Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Emma K. from Seattle, WA won Midsummer Mysteries. Susan D. from East Bridgewater, MA will receive Murder By Matchlight. The books are going out in the mail today. How about a cozy mystery giveaway this week? Death...