Reviews + Articles

Fly Girl by Ann Hood

Fly Girl by Ann Hood

I've read all three of Ann Hood's previous memoirs, and one of her novels, so of course I picked up Fly Girl. Hood's just about the same age as I am, so while I was heading off to grad school and my first professional job as a librarian, she was heading to Breech...


A Blue Book Giveaway

A Blue Book Giveaway

Well, I'm home, so I'm actually running a giveaway this week. Sorry about last week. This week, I'm giving away two books with blue covers, books that also feature strong women. Let's start with John Sandford's The Investigator. If you're a fan of Sandford's Prey...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

Thursday! I'm back in Indiana, back at work, and my next "planned" trip isn't until the end of September. I stress that because I never know if something will come up. It's rainy here as I write, and we're expecting several days of off-and-on rain before,...


New York City, Again

New York City, Again

My sister, Linda, and I already had our tickets for a show, and our flight to New York, when I was told I was the recipient of the Raven Award. I don't usually go to NY three times in six weeks. This trip was phenomenal, though. We flew on American from Columbus,...


Home Again!

I'm back. But, it's 8:00 Monday night. I still have a load of wash in the dryer, and I drove 5 hours today, plus the eight hours my sister drove from New York to her place yesterday. That means I'm tired, and I'll write about my trip for Wednesday's blog. We had a...