Reviews + Articles
Have You Heard? Tamarack County by William Kent Krueger
We're lucky that Sandie Herron decided to listen to all of William Kent Krueger's Cork O'Connor mysteries. Today, she reviews the thirteenth audiobook in the series, Tamarack County. Thank you, Sandie. Tamarack CountyWritten by William Kent KruegerNarrated by David...
Books, blanket and Deadline
I'm on deadline. It's that time of month. Oh, I'll share some reviews from Sandie and Kevin in the next few days, and, maybe even one or two from me. In the meantime, many of us will be doing the same thing. It's going to below freezing here today, in the 20s when...
Winners and a Weathered Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Dianne C. from Elk Grove Village, IL won An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed. Kathy R. from Owensboro, KY will receive Clark and Division. The books are going out in the mail today. Well, the latest contest isn't...
What Are You Reading?
Our temperatures have been up and down this week, mornings sometimes below freezing and upper sixties by the afternoons. We're heading into a colder weekend, though. As much as I hate winter and cold weather, I'd at least like to know what coat to put on in the...
Psycho By the Sea by Lynne Truss
I'm going to guess that the fourth Constable Twitten mystery, Psycho by the Sea, makes a lot more sense to people who have read the earlier books in the series by Lynne Truss. It's either that, or I just don't have much of a sense of humor when it comes to madcap...
The Boys by Ron Howard & Clint Howard
The Boys by Ron Howard and Clint Howard is subtitled "A Memoir of Hollywood and Family". Since, Ron Howard is three years older than me, it could just be titled a nostalgic look into the past. The brothers alternate telling the stories of their family and their...