Reviews + Articles
Population: 485 by Michael Perry
Essays. When nothing seems to fit my mood, nonfiction usually works. I love essays, and Michael Perry's Population:485: Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time was just what I needed. And, I think someone here recommended his book Truck: A Love Story at one time...
Winners and a Give Me a V Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Both winners have been told their books won't go out in the mail until early next week when it's a little warmer and some of the snow in parking lots have melted. Linda K. from Woodstock, MD won The Body in the...
What Are You Reading?
I know those of you in California are okay. I hope the rest of you are safe and warm in the midst of snow and ice, electrical outages and even tornadoes. It hasn't been an easy week and a half. Our library was closed for two days last week because of ice. We've...
Symphony Road by Gabriel Valjan
Gabriel Valjan's first Shane Cleary mystery, Dirty Old Town, impressed me. He took an idealistic ex-cop turned PI, put him in Boston where he struggles to make a living while dealing with cops who hate him for his integrity and his willingness to testify against a...
S.J. Bennett & The Windsor Knot
Virtual Event: S.J. Bennett in conversation with Lesa Holstine WHEN: March 8, 2021 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (3 PM ET) WHERE:Virtual Event, Poisoned Pen's Facebook page. (You do not have to have a Facebook account to watch the event. You can get to it through the Events...