Dithering – To be nervously irresolute in acting or doing. Remember on Thursday when I said I was undecided what to read next? At the moment, I have too many choices. I’ll settle into something, and have a review on Sunday. I went back to work yesterday after being at home all week. And, I spent most of that time reading for Library Journal. It’s easy to pick when I’m reading for them. I just plow onto the next book on the list. Now, I have so many books that I want to read for myself that I can’t decide. I’m leaning towards Much Ado About You by Samantha Young because the lead character plans a holiday vacation, and the package comes with a temporary position at the bookstore located beneath the rental appartment. It’s a contemporary romance, but I’m more interested in the bookstore. I have J.D. Robb’s new book, which sounds great. I have several nonfiction books that are appealing. My indecision has left you with nothing for today.

Check back tomorrow, and we’ll see what happened.