Reviews + Articles

Ex Libris by Michiko Kakutani

Ex Libris by Michiko Kakutani

Michiko Kakutani is the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic who is the former chief book critic for The New York Times. It's always interesting to see the titles and authors someone picks for a book such as Ex Libris: 100+ Books to Read and Reread. I was pleased to see...


We Are Santa by Ron Cooper

We Are Santa by Ron Cooper

My sister, Linda, gave me We Are Santa: Portraits & Profiles for St. Nicholas Day, and then she didn't understand why I teared up reading Ron Cooper's book. Cooper is the photographer who travelled around, taking pictures of men and a woman who professionally...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

So how are you this week? It's important to ask. COVID cases are getting closer here in Indiana, people at work, and spouses of people in my department. Are you doing okay? I know different states are shutting down different aspects of society, again. Take care of...