So how are you this week? It’s important to ask. COVID cases are getting closer here in Indiana, people at work, and spouses of people in my department. Are you doing okay? I know different states are shutting down different aspects of society, again. Take care of yourselves, please!

And, the other important questions, are you finding time to read, and what are you reading? I’m reading Ex Libris: 100+ Books to Read and Reread by Pulitizer Prize-winning literary critic Michiko Kakutani. Her summaries are much more readable than I expected, and they cover everything from classics, fiction and nonfiction to children’s books. I did notice her opinion about Donald Trump and his presidency is very evident when she discusses any of the political, and many of the historical books. I’ve added a few titles to my TBR list, but not a lot. There are a number of books that just don’t interest me. However, I’m happy to read “about” them, rather than reading them. I appreciate the opportunity to be a little more culturally aware, even if the book isn’t added to those I want to read.

What about you? Are you okay? And, what are you reading? Check in, please!