Reviews + Articles
Christmas in September
On Thursday, I ordered fourteen Christmas books for the library's OverDrive account. We already have the physical books on order for the library. But, I only order the OverDrive titles the week before they come out in eBook or audio. All fourteen of these titles...
Pancakes in Paris By Craig Carlson
While I enjoyed Craig Carlson's memoir, Pancakes in Paris, I can only agree with his subtitle "Living the American Dream in France" if your idea of a dream is opening diners, dealing with French bureaucrats and laborers, and working yourself until you...
Winners and an L.A. Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Julia H. from Excelsior, MN won the copy of Turn to Stone, and Sharon B. from Albuquerque, NM will receive Auntie Poldi and the Handsome Antonio. The books are going out in the mail on Saturday.Andy Weinberger's...
What Are You Reading?
First, how are you doing? Politics, work, Covid, fires, too many tropical storms. I know it's all becoming too much for some of us. I also know you're doing the best you can. We all are. We're not superhuman, no matter how much we try.We may only bring it up on...
Next to Last Stand by Craig Johnson
I have a difficult time with a review when I am passionate about a book. What more do I say other than, I love this book? I always have a tough time reviewing Louise Penny's books. I do love Craig Johnson's latest Walt Longmire book, but it is such a remarkable,...