I can’t even describe how wonderful Bouchercon was this year in Dallas. It was my fifth Bouchercon. This year, I skipped many of the panels, and spent time talking with authors and friends. It was the perfect opportunity to meet some of the new authors in the mystery field, and catch up with authors I’ve enjoyed for quite a while. That means I didn’t take notes at any panels. However, I did take lots of pictures that I’ll share.

However, I have a couple pictures I won’t share until Thursday, and maybe not then. I did spend some time with Jeff Meyerson. Regulars here will recognize his name because he’s kind enough to comment regularly, especially on Thursdays. But, Jeff and his wife are not public figures, like the authors, so I won’t post his picture, or his wife’s, unless he says I can.

But, here are pictures and some notes from Bouchercon.

The first person I saw at hotel registration was Rhys Bowen. Funny, she was actually the last one I spoke to when I left the hotel as well.

Most of the pictures aren’t quite as formal as Rhys’. I took that when she was signing books. There were opportunities to talk to authors at the signings, and often when I just ran into them in the hall.

I finally met Kevin Tipple. He’s a longtime online friend and fellow blogger who reviews and discusses books at https://kevintipplescorner.blogspot.com. He and his son and a friend were able to make it to the conference since it was in Dallas. It was so good to see him on Wednesday.

I did go hear Lucy Burdette interview Deborah Crombie, who was the Local Guest of Honor. Both authors are Jungle Reds. I hope you know the site Jungle Red Writers.

Lucy Burdette, Deborah Crombie

I caught Lou Berney and John Billheimer at the signing table. Lou Berney won the Macavity, Barry, and Anthony Awards this past weekend for November Road. It really couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.

Lou Berney, John Billheimer

And, if you haven’t at least tried November Road, I don’t know why not.

Here’s Kaye George and Daryl Wood Gerber.

Kaye George, Daryl Wood Gerber

I’ve been waiting about three years to meet Australian author and Ned Kelly Award-winner Sulari Gentill. Finally! She, and three other Australian authors had a mini-grant to come to the U.S., and do a short tour for the “On the Run” tour.

With Sulari Gentill

Here are the Australian authors “On the Run”.

Emma Viskic, Robert Gott, Sulari Gentill, Jock Serong

Here’s Connie Berry, who had two mysteries out in 2019, A Dream of Death, and A Legacy of Murder.

Jenn McKinlay is also a Jungle Red. Here she is with fellow author Lori Wilde.

Jenn McKinlay, Lori Wilde

Caught up with a few friends after the Jungle Red Writers’ game show. Here are Maddee James (Xuni.com website designer), and authors Julie Hyzy and Daryl Wood Gerber.

Maddee James, Me, Julie Hyzy, Daryl Wood Gerber

You might know Terry Shames as the author of the award-winning Samuel Craddock mysteries.

Terry Shames

It was so nice to finally meet D.M. Quincy, author of one of my favorite series, the Atlas Catesby mysteries.

A moment with authors Clea Simon and Kelli Stanley.

With Clea Simon and Kelli Stanley

I swear this group looks like they’re heading down the Yellow Brick Road.

Me, Kelli Stanley, David Chaudoir, Tana Hall

Caught up with Annette Dashofy.

Annette Dashofy

It’s always fun to spend time with Jim Born. He always makes me laugh, especially when he’s about to play a corpse.

Well, there’s a teaser for you. That’s the perfect note to end on for tonight. I’ll have pictures from a play, and the rest of Bouchercon on Wednesday.