I had good intentions for a review today. I was planning to read Jenn McKinlay’s new release, It Happened One Christmas Eve.

It’s the third book in her Museum of Literature series, available through Kindle or Audible. On Jungle Red Writers, Jenn calls it her “own holiday modern version of a madcap romantic escapade”, inspired by It Happened One Night. I’m looking forward to it, so I’ll have a review on Friday.

But, instead of reading last night, I called my Mom. I received a special Christmas gift yesterday, and I was told to open it when it arrived. My niece, Kelly, crocheted this beautiful afghan shown here. I cried when I opened it. Kelly knows I’m always cold. This is a very heavy afghan, and I’m looking forward to cuddling under it. It’s a perfect present for an always-cold reader.

So, instead of reading last night, I was talking with my Mom. This afghan is one of the most thoughtful gifts anyone ever gave me. Kelly gave her time and her heart to crochet this for me. It’s beautiful, and it’s warm.

Not to say I haven’t appreciated gifts before, including other ones that people made me. This one is very special.

So, I took a break last night to thank Kelly, thank Kelly’s Mom who mailed it to me, and call my Mom and rave about my niece and my afghan.

I hope sometime in your life someone gave you a gift that made you cry.