Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope you’re enjoying the holiday just as you’d like, with family, friends, or a quiet time with you and your books.

So, speaking of books, we were halfway through “What Are You Reading?” last Thursday when I realized I should have said let’s move it to Friday. So, I’m going to say that today. I won’t be around, and many of you won’t either today. Let’s talk books tomorrow. But, if you don’t think you’ll be back tomorrow, or have time, please go ahead and tell us what you’re reading this week. I don’t ever want you to think your reading isn’t important.

In the meantime, although I’m grateful for my life, I want to mention a few things that I’m thankful for today. I’m so glad I retired! I was ready. And, then I moved home to Ohio to be close to family. One of my sisters is hosting Thanksgiving today, along with her husband (the cook), and my Mom, and youngest sister and I will all be there. Her son, daughter, daughter-in-law, and new grandson will also be there, along with my brother-in-law’s aunt. I’m so grateful that the family will be together, and that Kevin will be cooking. (He loves to cook, and the more the better, in his opinion.)

Because this is Lesa’s Book Critiques, of course, I want to say what a friend did yesterday. I’m grateful for books and libraries. I don’t know what I’d do if I wasn’t a reader. And, the library system here is excellent, so I moved to a good location.

I’m thankful for friends. I consider all of you friends, whether I’ve met you or not. Thank you for taking the time to be with us, whether you comment here, or lurk and enjoy reading the blog. Thank you for reading with us.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have reasons to be grateful today. I’m sending you Thanksgiving hugs and thoughts for a year of gratitude ahead.

And, please, stop by tomorrow for “What Are You Reading?”