Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change by Pushcart Prize-winning poet Maggie Smith is the kind of book that’s difficult to review, but important to share. It might just call out to one or two people who really need this book. It’s a collection of notes and affirmations, notes about learning to put one foot in front of each other, and move on with life.

Smith’s marriage ended after a number of years and two children. She wasn’t sure how she was going to keep going. In between her notes, she includes essays in which she talks about the end of her marriage, her miscarriages, her fears, and the effort it takes to change. It’s a story of revising the life she expected, resilience, and moving on.

Perhaps the best way to summarize Keep Moving is in Smith’s own words. I picked out just a few of the notes in her book.

“Life is a book – long, if we’re lucky – and we write it as we go. The ending isn’t written, waiting for us to arrive.”

How many of us don’t have the life we expected? Do we have the career we thought we’d have? The marriage? Has death of a spouse or a child or a loved one or illness changed us forever? Smith says, “Set down your grief for the life you intended to have but won’t; the grief will be there when you’re ready to come back to it. Now focus your mind on the life you intend to have. Commit to the present. Keep moving.”

Keep Moving is a book about pain, loss, resilience, moving on. Smith recognizes that it’s not easy. Some times are harder than others. As I said, it’s a book that might comfort some, offer just the one bit of advice. I know there were books that helped when my husband died.

I’ll end with the quote I used the other day because it hit home at a time when I’d been so emotionally involved with politics for so long. Some of Smith’s words just hit home. “Go easy on yourself today. If you feel a little weary, a little ragged, that’s okay; that’s how sad hangovers feel. This will pass.”

Maggie Smith’s website is

Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change by Maggie Smith. Atria, 2020. ISBN 9781982132071 (hardcover), 214p.


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