Eventually, there will be giveaways again on Fridays. But, I didn’t move my ARCs, so I’m filling in with reviews until I accumulate a few. That means Kevin R. Tipple is up today with a book review of Racing the Light, an Elvis Cole and Joe Pike novel by Robert Crais. Thank you, Kevin.

Racing the Light by Robert Crais

Racing the Light by Robert Crais opens with private investigator Elvis Cole in his office on the western edge of Hollywood. It is hot and clear when Ms. Adele Schumacher and her entourage arrive. The entourage arrives first, and after checking out the office, back out so that Ms. Schumacher can talk with Mr. Cole.  Things started off a bit weird so it was a sign for Cole that things would get weirder.

Ms. Schumacher has good reason to be believe her son, Joshua Alberta Schumacher, has been kidnapped. She has not received a ransom demand. She firmly believes that he has kidnapped to silence him. Her 26-year-old son is an investigative journalist with his own podcast. She believes that he is being held at a secret government facility. Not surprisingly, her case has gone nowhere with the police as he is an adult and she does not have any real proof of anything.

While she may believe in government conspiracies, her fear is very real, and she clearly needs help. Cole agrees to poke around for her so that she knows somebody is listening and looking. He does not expect there is an issue and Joshua probably is fine. He also questions the motives of the people involved in Ms. Schumacher life.

It does not take Elvis Cole long to realize that something seriously really is going on. Joshua is very much missing, has odd neighbors, and the folks in Ms. Schumacher life are not at all what they seem. If that was not enough, government spooks from our side and others seem to be involved. Things get murkier and more violent as Cole and Pike work the case.

A complicated and fast paced read, Racing the Light, is the latest installment in this long running series. It is also a mighty good read.

My reading copy came from the Dallas Public Library System.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2023