This is probably blasphemy, but I actually like Mike Cosgrove, the homicide cop in Con Lehane’s latest book better than I like Raymond Ambler, the librarian. Ambler seems to live in his head too much in Murder Off the Page. As Cosgrove reminds him “You’re an amateur. For some reason, this time you’re not helping.”
Ambler and his friend and co-worker Adele Morgan, are dragged into an unusual case by Ambler’s bartender friend Brian McNulty. For sone reason that he won’t tell Ambler, McNulty is committed to helping a woman who behaves erratically in the Library Tavern. Ambler and Adele are introduced to her as Shannon Darling, and they witness her behavior with me. But, McNulty is very protective of her.
But, Ambler and Morgan had already met Shannon at the 42nd Street Library, where she was using the crime fiction collection for research on a writer who had recently given her papers to the library. She was totally different at the library than she was in the bar. Even after they observed her behavior at the bar, though, they were both surprised to learn a man had been found murdered in a hotel room registered in her name. And, she and McNulty both disappeared.
McNulty asks Ambler for help, but, before he can do anything, there’s a second murder. Now, McNulty’s on the run, on the top of the suspect list. Raymond feels guilty for not believing in his friend, so he takes matters into his own hands as he looks for answers, and doesn’t always confide in Cosgrove as early as he should.
Raymond Ambler is a troubled man. He blames his politics and his past for his lack of a PhD. He wasn’t around much as his son grew up, a young man who ended up in prison for first degree manslaughter. He fought for joint custody of his grandson, Johnny, but doesn’t have the money to hire a good lawyer for his son, John. And, he doesn’t always do a good job handling relationships, whether with Adele or his boss or Johnny. He lacks good judgment when it comes to personal relationships.
Even in his investigations, it’s Adele who pushes him to take action. He goes back and forth between indecisive and sometimes rash actions. And, those rash actions sometimes put people in jeopardy.
Murder Off the Page is a character-driven mystery. I have to admit I didn’t feel a great deal of sympathy for the victim. However, I did feel for the two children in the book, caught up in the tragedies of their parents’ lives. And, it’s those children who propelled Adele to push Raymond for action. And, I felt for McNulty. But, I totally agree with Mike Cosgrove that Ambler wasn’t always helpful in this case.
Con Lehane’s website is www.conlehane.com
Murder Off the Page by Con Lehane. Minotaur Books, 2019. ISBN 9781250317926 (hardcover), 323p.
FTC Full Disclosure – I received the book from the publisher, with hopes I would review it.