Passions in Death may be the fifty-ninth book in J.D. Robb’s Eve Dallas series, but the stories are still fresh. Best of all, though, is the chance to catch up with Eve Dallas, her husband, Roarke, and Dallas’ co-workers and friends.

It’s the early hours of the morning when Dallas is called to the Down and Dirty, a sex club. A group of friends had enjoyed a loud and boisterous night of drinking and dancing before Erin Albright married Shauna Hunnicut. But, a staff member found Erin’s body in a private room where she had been garroted. Erin planned to surprise her fiancee with honeymoon tickets to Hawaii. The artist had been saving from sales of her art. Now, Shauna’s world is shattered with her lover dead in the club.

Eve and Roarke know this will be a tough case for Dallas. Before their wedding, she was attacked in that same room. She managed to fight off her attacker and bring him to justice. Now, she and her partner, Peabody, and the rest of the NYPSD team will have to find justice for Erin.

As always, this series combines fascinating police procedural set in the near future with personal details of the lives of Eve, Roarke, and their friends. Their home life is always fun to read about, with their butler, Summerset, their cat, and their sex life. There’s humor and so much love. And, Dallas is always learning more about the people in their lives, learning about friendship and the social skills she lacks.

But, I always look for those phrases that emphasize Eve’s passion for justice. This time, she knows the murder was personal, and there was passion involved. She sees it as mean and stupid and a personal murder. Roarke tells her she’s the victim’s “agent of justice”. When Erin’s parents show up, Dallas saw “the weight of their grief. She carried it with her to the bullpen.” That’s what I admire about these books. The stories are excellent. I love police procedurals. But Eve Dallas never forgets the victims, and, with every investigation, every case, she carries the weight of the grief of those who loved the victims.

J.D. Robb’s website is

Passions in Death by J.D. Robb. St. Martin’s Press, 2024. ISBN 9781250289568 (hardcover), 368p.

FTC Full Disclosure – I received an invitation from the publisher to review this book through NetGalley, with no promise of a positive review.