Consider this a short three-day holiday break. Of course, I’ll be back on Thursday for What Are You Reading? But, right now, I’m trying to catch up, make my Thursday deadline for Library Journal, and read a Christmas book or two to share with you. And, maybe even watch a holiday movie or two.
I did go to a play yesterday. My friend, Donna, gave me a gift of season tickets to the Evansville Civic Theatre. We went to see a really funny comedy, “An Old-Fashioned Redneck Country Christmas”. It was just what we needed, but the end did bring a tear or two, and I had to break out the tissues for both of us. That’s the perfect holiday show, laughter and a couple tears. But, I never thought I’d see three Wise Men like I did today.
In the meantime, while I’m gone, enjoy the season, and come back on Thursday with a book or two to talk about.
Relax, take it easy. Enjoy the break!
I knew you would all say that, Jeff! I just need a couple days of reading time.
What Jeff said.
Have a well-deserved break and a very Merry Christmas.
And, speaking of the Wise men….
What if it had been three wise women
instead of three wise men?
They would have asked directions,
arrived on time,
helped deliver the baby,
cleaned the stable,
made a casserole,
and brought practical gifts.
And there would be Peace on Earth.
Thank you, Gram!
I always loved that, Kathleen. I think it's accurate. (smile)