Anyone who read the girl detectives, Nancy Drew or Trixie Belden, will appreciate the opening of M.E. Hilliard’s debut mystery, The Unkindness of Ravens. Hilliard, who went back to school to become a librarian, introduces Greer Hogan, who went back to get a degree in library science for her second career. But, Greer, who tells how much she loved Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden, blames them. Now, “I was a girl detective with a laptop instead of a roadster.”

Greer has only been at the Raven Hill Public Library for six months when she heads to the rooftop terrace on the first sunny day, planning to enjoy lunch. Instead, she pushes open the door, and finds the body of her best friend, Joanna Goodhue.

Like everyone in a small village, Greer Hogan has secrets. But, hers involves the night her husband was murdered. She’s afraid that murder will put her on the top of the suspect list. However, Greer knows Joanna was working on a project. She had implied she needed Greer’s help with something, but never let the librarian know what she needed. Now, Greer’s going to spend time asking questions and playing girl detective as she does her job, research.

Hilliard’s debut is not a fast-paced mystery. It’s well-developed, and carefully plotted. It’s an atmospheric mystery, centered around an old, sometimes dark and creaky library building. Some readers may expect a cozy such as the library-centered ones by Jenn McKinlay or Victoria Gilbert. However, it’s darker, with ravens and foxes, and uneasiness. The Unkindness of Ravens is an intriguing debut with a clue as to where Greer Hogan is going next. I’ll be following.

M.E. Hilliard’s website is

The Unkindness of Ravens by M.E. Hilliard. Crooked Lane Books, 2021. ISBN 9781643856940 (hardcover), 336p.

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a .PDF to review for a journal.