I’m back! I had a wonderful visit with my Mom and sisters, as well as a few other family members. I’ve always referred to my mother’s house as “home”, and one day we talked about that. She has a quilt she made for my grandmother. On one corner, it says, “Home is where the heart is at peace.” That’s definitely my Mom’s house.

It’s also my blog, for me. As my friend, Kaye Wilkinson Barley says, today is Thursday at Lesa’s. Welcome to one of my favorite spots, where we’re all free to talk about books, with some personal stories thrown in.

When I wrote the first two paragraphs, I wasn’t even thinking about the book I’m reading, but those paragraphs are the perfect introduction to Stanley Tucci’s memoir, Taste: My Life Through Food. As I’m writing this, I’ve only read fifty pages, but it’s a delightful combination of memoir, recipes, and stories of food, beginning with his Italian-American family who loved to eat and talk about food. Tucci is an actor, writer, director, and producer. I can tell you the book will produce hunger pangs no matter when you read it, so be careful. It’s a charming account so far.

What about you? I hope you’re at peace. And, I hope you want to share what you’ve been reading this week. We’re all looking for more books to add to our TBR piles. Let’s share!