Thursday! I’m back in Indiana, back at work, and my next “planned” trip isn’t until the end of September. I stress that because I never know if something will come up.

It’s rainy here as I write, and we’re expecting several days of off-and-on rain before, hopefully, a nice holiday weekend. I have a little reading to do. I’ve just started Larry D. Sweazy’s Sonny Burton novel, Winter Seeks Out the Lonely. I’ve read the previous books in this series. Burton is definitely a lonely figure, a Texas Ranger until he lost an arm in a shoot-out with Bonnie and Clyde. Now, in 1935, he’s just living through the Great Depression until a broken down circus comes to town. There’s suspicion and rumors in the latest bleak novel by Sweazy – descriptive, dark, and bleak.

What about you? What are you doing or reading this week?