No one had big complaints about the weather last week, except for the heat. Now, with last week’s tropical storm in California, and the results of the storm that hit Texas, I’m hoping everyone is okay. We’re only having heat – temperatures between 95 and 99. I can live with that, going from air conditioned home to my car to work. And, my car’s in a parking garage for the heat of the day. Take care of yourselves! Others worry about you.

On another matter, next Thursday is my last day of work! The staff is throwing a party for me on Tuesday afternoon, which is nice. But, Thursday will probably be kind of dead. I’m already cleaning out my office, and took a lot home yesterday.

So, on to books. I’m currently reading Luanne Rice’s forthcoming book, Last Night. I started it before I realized it’s part of a series, and I had read the previous two, Last Day and The Shadow Box. They’re romantic suspense, with the emphasis on the suspense. All three books feature Connecticut police detective Conor Reid. They have features in common. They’re all connected to the art world, and a female artist is murdered. In Last Night, it’s almost Christmas and Reid and his girlfriend go to Ocean House in Rhode Island, where he plans to propose. Plans are disrupted when Hadley Cooke finds the body of her sister, Maddie Morrison, an artist and mother. She’s been shot, and Maddie’s six-year-old daughter, CeCe is missing.

What about you? Are you surviving this strange weather we’ve been having? And, what are you reading this week?