I saw some snow alongside the roads on my drive to Mom’s yesterday. That’s enough snow for me for the year. I am not a winter or snow person at all. But, I’m here safely, and we’ll have a relaxing holiday together. My youngest sister, Christie, and her family will be here on Christmas day.

In the meantime, I unpacked three boxes of books on Tuesday, and still didn’t find any of my Christmas books. So, I ended up buying a copy of Craig Johnson’s Spirit of Steamboat. I read that Christmas novella every year, and it’s what I would have been reading last night.

Here’s the brief summary. Sheriff Walt Longmire is in his office reading A Christmas Carol when he is interrupted by a ghost of Christmas past: a young woman with a hairline scar and more than a few questions about his predecessor, Lucian Connally. With his daughter Cady and undersherrif Moretti otherwise engaged, Walt’s on his own this Christmas Eve, so he agrees to help her.

At the Durant Home for Assisted Living, Lucian is several tumblers into his Pappy Van Winkle’s and swears he’s never clapped eyes on the woman before. Disappointed, she whispers “Steamboat” and begins a story that takes them all back to Christmas Eve 1988.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Do you have a special book or story you read this time of year, or are you catching up with your regular reading?

And, most of all, stay well, please. I know eight people who have COVID right now, and it’s hitting some of them hard, even though they’ve had the vaccine. Stay healthy, and I’ll try, too.