I hope you all had just the kind of holiday you wanted, whether it was quiet, by yourself, or filled with family. I had a little of both, time with family, and time with just my Mom when we put together jigsaw puzzles and watched game shows. For me, what was important was that I had time with my Mom and some of my family.

I know Jeff and Jackie are getting ready to head to Florida. Safe travels! And, I hope the weather continues to be good traveling weather. I’m heading home on Saturday. I’ll have had a week and a half with Mom. It’s been great. Even if I did have vacation from work, I always had to be back at a certain time. Now that I’m retired, I can go at my own pace.

As to reading, about the only reading I’ve done was the comics and the clues on Jeopardy. As I said, I came to spend time with Mom, not to read. I’ll be back on track next week. In the meantime, what about you? What have you been reading this week? And, how were your holidays?