Gorgeous weather here! 71 degrees and sunny, just perfect for a walk in a nearby park with my sister and her dog. It’s been a while since I walked with them, though, so we take it slow. Then, last night she and I (my sister, not the dog) went to see Emmet Cahill in concert. He’s an Irish singer, part of Celtic Thunder who does a wonderful concert of Irish songs, Broadway hits, and some sacred songs. Perfect for St. Patrick’s Day week.

I hope you had some beautiful weather this week, and the chance to get out and enjoy it. I hope you read a good book or two as well.

I’ll admit I’m giving up on the book I’m currently reading, Canines & Cocktails, and it will go in my stack for future giveaways. It’s subtitled “Novellas of dogs and drinks” by Delilah S. Dawson, Kevin Hearne, and Chuck Wendig. They’re all three well-known fantasy writers. I’ve been a fan of Kevin Hearne’s for years. I hosted him at the library when I was in Arizona. He had a smart publisher who issued the first three books in the Iron Druid Chronicles once every two months for six months. By the time Hounded, Hexed, and Hammered had come out, he had an appreciative local audience who showed up en masse for his library appearance. It was so much fun. His Iron Druid, Atticus, has lived over two thousand years, fighting and running from angry gods along with his Irish Wolfhound, Oberon. I adore Oberon. The two are featured in Hearne’s story in this book, “The Chartreuse Chanteuse”, and there’s finally a happy ending for Atticus.

I’m bogged down in Dawson’s story of a bartender, though, “The Bartender and the Beast”, and I think I’m just going to give up. Wendig’s story is “Whiskey Sour”.

I have plenty of other books to read this week. I have to finish two for Library Journal, and I have an enormous pile of library books.

What about you? Tell us about your week, please. What are you reading?

Lesa & Kevin Hearne at Oberon’s Sausage Party (Release party for Tricked) at Rula Bula, Tempe, AZ