Well, you’ve already heard about my week. Reading, reading, reading for Library Journal, with a short break on Sunday to see Lisa Scottoline. Gorgeous, sunny weather most of the week, but I was inside reading.

I’m currently reading a book for me, Krista Davis’ cozy mystery, The Diva Goes Overboard. After seventeen books in the series, I’ll admit I return to these books for the characters, the fun tips from Sophie Winston, the “diva”, and the setting, Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Especially the characters, and the food shared in the books. This time, the emphasis is on charcuterie boards.

After Orson Chatsworth, a local businessman is murdered at his engagement party, Sophie is shocked to learn she inherited his antiques store. She has no idea why, but she suspects he had a mystery he wanted her to solve. She’s right, but his family members are suspicious, wondering what her relationship was with the dead man. Sophie recruits a few of her friends, swearing them to secrecy, as she investigates Chatsworth’s past and secrets.

I’m 2/3 of the way through the book, so I’ll have a review on Saturday. I suspect I’ll have my usual complaint about the book, but praise for Davis’ characters.

What about you? What have you been doing this week? What are you reading?