It’s Thursday! And, after our holiday party at work this morning, I’m off until next Wednesday. Lots of reading time! Of course, I have some errands to run first – car wash, groceries. But, I hope to settle in with the cats and books once I’m home today.

I’ve just started a book that may appear to be a Christmas novel. Yes, Trish Harnetiaux’ White Elephant is set at holiday time, but Christmas isn’t really the theme. Henry and Claudine Calhoun are the owners of Aspen’s premier real estate firm. Every year they have a party for their staff, and the white elephant exchange has become a competitive event that stirs up jealousy and rivalry. But, this year, someone unwraps a murder weapon that Henry used years earlier to help launch the business. Claudine helped him cover it up. Now? Who knows their secret?

So, what are you reading this week? You might not have a lot of time right now, but I hope you find some reading time before the end of the month. Let us know what you’re reading, please!