Well! The contest for three copies of Paige Shelton’s Thin Ice was a smashing success. I had the largest number of entries for one title that I’ve ever had. And, Paige is giving away one additional copy. If you didn’t win, don’t feel bad. I hope you continue to enter contests. Usually, there aren’t near as many entries. And, you might want to think about buying Paige’s book, or picking it up at your local public library. Keep her writing the series!

Congratulations to the winners. Copies are going to Michelle R. from West Babylon, NY, Susan B. from Snohomish, WA, Marilynne S. of Portland, OR, and Shawna H. from Lewisburg, TN. The books will go out in the mail today.

This week, I’m giving away two hardcover copies of my favorite book of 2019, Allen Eskens’ Nothing More Dangerous. It’s a standalone, so you don’t have to have read any of his previous works. I hadn’t when I read it. But, it might just lead you to his other books. Eskens told me he became a writer to tell this story, but he wrote five other books first.

Nothing More Dangerous is a story of suspense and murder. It’s a powerful coming-of-age book, the story of a teen in the Ozarks who witnesses racism and violence. He’s bullied, and learns quite a lot about himself in the process. It’s about friendship and classism. There have been so many excellent reviews of this book. In November, I said it topped my list of books read so far. That never changed. http://bit.ly/2tqBtNd

Nothing More Dangerous was my favorite book of 2019. Interested? To enter, email me at Lesa.Holstine@gmail.com. Your subject line should read “Win Nothing More Dangerous.” Please include your name and mailing address. Entries from the U.S. only, please. The giveaway will end Thursday, Jan. 23 at 5 PM CT.