Better late than never. On January 6, 2005, I posted my first blog post on the site that would eventually become Lesa’s Book Critiques. Fifteen years ago, it was originally called “Nikki’s World” after our kitten who had been dumped at the Central Library in Glendale, and rescued by our library director, Rodeane Widom. Even then, the blog was intended as a place to talk about books. I wanted to share that discussion, even if it was only my family who read the blog. They still read it, but seldom comment.

I have three people to thank for Lesa’s Book Critiques. Rodeane Widom sent me to a three day workshop put on by the Arizona State Library. Since then, I’ve told her the only thing I learned from the workshop was how to blog. Maddee James, owner and web designer at, was helpful with formatting from the very beginning. (And, if you’re an author looking for a web designer, check out Maddee was also available for advice, including the suggestion that it was eventually time to change the name to reflect me and books instead of a cat. (Ahem. Amazing how many porn sites were connected to the name Nikki fifteen years ago.) And, of course, my late husband, Jim, who encouraged me to write about all the books I read.

The first book I discussed on the blog site was Helene Hanff’s 84 Charing Cross Road, a love letter to books. Fifteen years later, I hope this blog remains a love letter to books.

I want to thank everyone who has read and commented on the blog over the years. Thank you for reading with me, talking about books, and entering contests. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me when Jim died ten years ago. I hope we’re all here in five years as we continue to talk about books we loved or books that weren’t quite as special. Thank you for being part of this conversation and my life.

Here’s to books! (And, here’s to Nikki, who helped to start it all.)