Better late than never. On January 6, 2005, I posted my first blog post on the site that would eventually become Lesa’s Book Critiques. Fifteen years ago, it was originally called “Nikki’s World” after our kitten who had been dumped at the Central Library in Glendale, and rescued by our library director, Rodeane Widom. Even then, the blog was intended as a place to talk about books. I wanted to share that discussion, even if it was only my family who read the blog. They still read it, but seldom comment.
I have three people to thank for Lesa’s Book Critiques. Rodeane Widom sent me to a three day workshop put on by the Arizona State Library. Since then, I’ve told her the only thing I learned from the workshop was how to blog. Maddee James, owner and web designer at, was helpful with formatting from the very beginning. (And, if you’re an author looking for a web designer, check out Maddee was also available for advice, including the suggestion that it was eventually time to change the name to reflect me and books instead of a cat. (Ahem. Amazing how many porn sites were connected to the name Nikki fifteen years ago.) And, of course, my late husband, Jim, who encouraged me to write about all the books I read.
The first book I discussed on the blog site was Helene Hanff’s 84 Charing Cross Road, a love letter to books. Fifteen years later, I hope this blog remains a love letter to books.
I want to thank everyone who has read and commented on the blog over the years. Thank you for reading with me, talking about books, and entering contests. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me when Jim died ten years ago. I hope we’re all here in five years as we continue to talk about books we loved or books that weren’t quite as special. Thank you for being part of this conversation and my life.
Here’s to books! (And, here’s to Nikki, who helped to start it all.)

Happy belated anniversary. Thanks for all of your great recommendations and books.
Congratulations, Lesa. FIFTEEN years is a heck of a long time. I know from other friends who blog how much work it takes to keep it up day after day after day, and I am constantly impressed by the sheer number of books you read and review, let alone the quality of your work. So glad I found it, belatedly.
Oh, and 84, CHARING CROSS ROAD is a favorite of mine! I've read the book and we've seen it on stage, on television, and in person – though of course the store is no longer the same one it was when Hanff wrote about it.
Happy anniversary.
84 Charing Cross Road was a great choice for your first post and so many wonderful posts have followed. Thank you Lesa.
And, you've been reading it that long. Thank you, Christie!
Jeff, I'm glad you found it, too. Your suggestion about "What Are You Reading?" has made it even more fun and brought people closer over the last few years. Thank you.
I'm sure the store isn't the same, but that book has brought so much happiness (and a few tears) to so many of us. I've read the book 3 or 4 times, saw the movie. You're right. I think it was a good choice originally.
Thank you, Liz. I looked back, and wasn't at all surprised to see that as my first choice. I still love the book fifteen years later.
Thank you so much, Lesa, for the effort of your blog. I have learned of new books that I should read that I would have otherwise missed. You do a great job of covering Indiana authors and I hope you know how much I appreciate that. Keep up the good work. I know you'll steer me to some great books in the future.
Happy Anniversary!
While I have never read this Charing Cross Road book, I drive down it at least twice a week if not more. Charing Cross connects to my street here in the old neighborhood.
Congratulations Lesa. I've enjoyed your reviews and book discussions for several years. We have similar reading tastes. I agree-84 Charing Cross was a wonderful book.
It doesn't feel right unless I start my day with your blog, Lesa. Thank you for becoming a friend. I'm not sure how many years it's been since I discovered you, but it was such a thrill to meet you in person at LCC in 2014, then 2016. I'm sorry you won't be there this year in San Diego. Thank you for creating this wonderful meeting place where book lovers can come together and celebrate.
Hi Lesa – I may not comment all the time, but I do read the blog faithfully and have been with you for a very long time. I heard about your blog through Louise Penny's blog – I met Louise when she appeared at a library nearby promoting I think it was her third book – I think I was the only one there that had actually read all of her books as most people did not know who she was then! Of course, your being a cat lover also gave us a another strong bond. Cats and books just go together – nothing better than a good book with a cat sitting next to you – I highly recommend it! All the best for many more years to come!
Happy anniversary from me as well, Lesa! 15 years! Quite an accomplishment and I am so grateful that I found your blog early on (maybe not quite 15 years ago, but no too long after). I've enjoyed meeting you in person and visiting your Glendale library, seeing you at LCC and at the Poisoned Pen and what I consider a long friendship about books and life. Let's do another 15, OK? I'm not attending LCC this year, but I'm planning on being in NM for LCC 2021 – you should come! Regardless, I'll be around reading and commenting as I can. Biggest hugs to you!
Happy Anniversary, dear one and here's to many more years of sharing books! Love you! xo
Congrats on so many years of sharing your love of books and helping other readers find great ones!!! Here's to at least 30 more years. 🙂
Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Larry, for your kind words about my reviews of Indiana authors. I appreciate it! (It was Arizona authors when I first started out, and I still read a number of AZ authors.) Kay, I am planning on LCC 2021 in Albuquerque! Looking forward to it!
Thank you to all of you. Kim, I don't know about 30 more years, but maybe the 15 that Kay suggested.
Hugs, and thanks to everyone!
Many congratulations! And here's to many more years of persistence!!
Thank YOU, Lesa, for all your hard work and efforts to continually bring authors new to me and new authors to a wider audience. Twenty-five years! You should be enormously proud of yourself!
Happy anniversary!
Onward and upward,
~Tricia (posts as TFJ)
That should be "Happy 15th anniversary!" The wishes for a 25th is a fulfilled prophecy!
Congratulations on your 15th anniversary. That is quite an accomplishment. I have been reading the blog for about 6 or 7 years and have found so many books that sound so intriguing. You are responsible for a large TBR pile.
I was working when Charring Cross came out and ignored getting it, I just ordered it and will hopefully enjoy it as much as everyone on the blog has indicated.
Congratulations to Nikki for getting you going – she is a beauty.
Thank you, everyone!
And, Netteanne? I think you'll like 84 Charing Cross Road. I can't wait to hear your reaction!
Congratulations! Great origin story.
Thank you, Glen! And, tomorrow, for "What Are You Reading?", your post is up. Thanks again!
Congratulations Lesa! And thank you for introducing me to so many wonderful books and great authors!
Can't wait! Hope everyone finds it interesting.
Happy Belated Blogoversary:)
I love this post the best!! I can't believe I've followed you for almost the whole time too! Happy Anniversary, we are blessed to have your corner of the of the web be such a special place!
Happy belated Anniversary!! Here's to at least 15 more.
84 Charing Cross Road is one of my all-time favorite books, thanks for reminding me.
Thank you! And, thank you, Gaye. You never know what features we might come up over the next "15" years! (smile)
Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments today.
Happy Anniversary on your book blog and congrats on the 15 years. I was happy to see that the first book you discussed was Helene Hanff's 84 Charing Cross Road. I love that book. The movie with Anne Bancroft was excellent, too. Cheers to more years on the blog.
Happy Anniversary! I look forward to your blog every day. It is almost always the first thing I read so thanks for the last fifteen and here's to next fifteen.
Bonnie, That movie was excellent, wasn't it? I loved it. Thank you!
Kathy, I have reader/friends who tell me they start their mornings with my blog and coffee. I'm happy to spend time with readers in the morning!
Congratulations! Reaching fifteen years is a great accomplishment in a world where things come an go at the speed of light. Nikki was a darling. Here's to many more years of your great book critiques. Thank you!
Congratulations on 15 years, that's a huge milestone! I think I've been following you for ten of those 15 years. You introduced me to so many wonderful books and authors over the years. I hope one of these years, we will meet in person.
I do, too, Ingrid. I don't remember what it was, but we missed a recent opportunity. And, I think you've been following me for that long. Thank you!
Thank you, Leeza, for your kind comments.
Happy Anniversary! I look forward to your posts. I have been following book blog posts ever since I got on the Internet. Many have started and stopped but I am so glad that you are continuing.