Reviews + Articles
Hiss Me Deadly by Miranda James
It's been too long since we had one of Miranda James' Cat in the Stacks mysteries, so fans of Charlie Harris and Diesel, the Maine Coon cat will be happy to welcome them back. In Hiss Me Deadly, thanks to friend and co-worker Melba Gilley, Charlie finds himself...
Two Days Off
When I first wrote this post, I was taking Saturday off because I hadn't read anything to post. But, now, I'm driving to Columbus, Ohio and back today, so I don't have anything for Sunday either. I do have book reviews for Monday and Tuesday! In the meantime, enjoy...
Winners & a Four Parties and a Funeral Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Susan B. from Hyannis, MA won The Tumbling Girl. Susan B. from Seattle, WA won Viviana Valentine Goes Up the River. (Good week to be named Susan B.) The books are going out in the mail today. Ellen Byron makes no...
What Are You Reading?
Do you know how much I enjoy reading about the weather you're experiencing? I know that's a little weird, but I enjoy reading about the differences. We're having 80s here, but it's starting to get more humid. I had to turn on the air conditioning over the weekend...
Kevin’s Corner Annex – An American in Scotland
I spent last evening reviewing a book set in Ireland, Sarah Stewart Taylor's A Stolen Child. I'm guest host for her for a virtual event tonight at The Poisoned Pen, so I wanted to refresh my memory since I actually read the book several months ago. Here are some...
A Stolen Child by Sarah Stewart Taylor
I'll admit Sarah Stewart Taylor's atmospheric depiction of Ireland stole my heart in her first Maggie D'arcy mystery, The Mountains Wild. Now, the fourth in the series, A Stolen Child, is a solid police procedural with plot twists to keep the reader and the police...